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BWS Beer Stats is the graphical representation of research data used in a series of stories on the Beer Reflections website.

Beginning in 2020 as an analysis of the impact of the marketing campaign 'Local Luva' by Endeavor Drinks-owned bottle shop chain, BWS, the series looks at the makeup of craft beer brands in one particular store in an attempt to highlight trends likely across all stores nationally. Follow-up analysis was conducted in 2021, 2022, and 2023.

Data Collection

The data behind the information displayed was collected around November each year.

Photgraphs were taken of the craft beer fridge only and counted manually.

It should be noted that some products which may be considered craft were present in other sections of the store. As this study is specifically concerned with porducts in the store's designated "craft beer" fridges, they are not included. The variance in results is small and would be negligable. This approach has been consistent for each year of the study.

Acknowledgement of inconsistencies

There are a small number of inconsistencies between the data on this website and the 2020 story.

It should be noted that the initial story was not intended as the first in a series. The rudimentary calculation differed from the methodology used in the 2023 post, which this site was built to support.

The variance is small and has little effect on the overall trends highlighted in blog posts in the series.

The calculations and methodologies on this website are consistent for each year.

Build Information

(Comming soon)